Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cuenca, Ecuador

SHARLA: Hi, all! This morning we slept in until about 8am. Had a leisurely breakfast and coffee on the balcony. It was a little overcast today, but warmed up nicely. We decided to try out a massage that was recommended by a fellow blogger. Marsha and I were dropped off by Jessica and her new friend, Jaime. We proceeded to have the BEST two-hour massage I have ever had. The spa is named Armonia Vital and my therapist's name was Isabel. TERRIFIC!!!
We bought some things from
these artisans
We caught a taxi back to the condo, and showered, dressed and headed for the plaza. I stopped and bought a $5 pair of sunglasses and a lipstick for $1.50. We looked for a little hole in the wall place that Judy recommended we buy coffee. Couldn't find it. So, we decided to go back to the restaurant, Raymipampa, where we had the good potato soup. We ordered llapingacho (an Ecuadorian potato cake), and split a spaghetti with camarones (shrimp). Excellent! The last time we came to Ecuador in 2009, we didn't care for the traditional Ecuadorian cuisine, but everything we have had this time has been fantastic.

After this late lunch, we went across the street to the plaza where a military band was playing in a gazebo. It is starting to get cold, and we are wishing for a heavier jacket! After the band finished, some local boys (and one girl) got into the gazebo and were practicing beat box and break dancing. Some of them were REALLY good. I don't know how they don't break their arms and necks!

On the walk back to the condo, we stopped at a cabina to make a couple of calls home, and stopped in a couple of places for Marsha to look at shoes. We saw a cute restaurant, Cafe Austria, and stopped in for a coffee and Baileys. By this time, it is cold and raining, and the coffee tasted perfect. Made it back to the condo, and into our jammies. I think the rest of our stay is supposed to be cold and rainy...perfect biking weather for Monday!

Cabina Call

Coffee at Cafe Austria

MARSHA: had the best massage EVER today. 2 hours of ahem heaven. this girl knew all my sore spots and just how much pressure i needed. and for only $26. we got cleaned up after and went to the centre of the city and had a nice ecuadorian dinner. afterward we went across the street and listened to a military band in the park and people watched till we got too cold and had to get up and walk. about the time we were going to leave the plaza we heard music again and went to check it out. this time it was about 10 or 12 teenagers break dancing. they were spinning around on their heads and wrists and elbows. they were amazing. next we stopped by a little austrian restaurant and had coffee and baileys. it started to rain and we walked back to the condo and are settled in for the night. the police were arrested and the military took over the last couple days. they are supposed to be released soon because they are needed to keep things orderly. will be interesting.

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